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2014 Jerry's Movie

Whistler Khyber Ridge

admin 2015.10.08 08:49 조회 수 : 1739

촬영일자 2014-02-24 
촬영장소 WhistlerBlackcomb 

Whistler Local Run - Khyber Ridge


If you try to enter Khybers, do not travel more than 700ft to the left of the Stu inn hut at any point.
There is a tall radio tower on a shallow ridge that can be seen to the Northwest of the area boundary at the Stu inn, in a pinch stay well right of this. Always travel with those who have an expert knowledge of the area and make sure they know you’re new to the Khyber area as it is very easy to get separated from partners quickly. READ MORE...




Photo: The central Khyber Cliffs


번호 섬네일 제목 촬영일자 촬영장소 조회 수
» Whistler Khyber Ridge file 2014-02-24  WhistlerBlackcomb  1739
1 Whistler Spearhead Traverse file 2014-05-05  WhistlerBlackcomb  535